Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is the buzz about Vitamin D?

I'm back! I know that it has been awhile since my last blog post--my apologies! This Summer has been crazy! I hope everyone has been doing well. I chose to talk about Vitamin D today not only because of its popularity in health research lately but also because I personally believe in the health benefits it provides. So here goes...

I recently read a newsletter entitled "Vitamin D and Mental Health." I want to share some of the highlights with you here:

Did you know that there are a number of recent studies that show that vitamin D may play an important role in the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses from depression to schizophrenia? In fact, in high doses, vitamin D had a positive effect on reducing the symptoms in patients with depression. In a paper presented on April 14th, 2010 at the American Academy of Neurology Meeting, it was reported that vitamin D deficiency appears to increase the risk of cognitive impairment, based on a large population based study of older women. Vitamin D acts as a neurosteroid hormone and research has shown that vitamin D has a unique function on the central nervous system, including the regulation of (bare with me here), neurotransmission, neuroimmunomodulation and neuroprotection (Whew)!

Vitamin D wears many hats; not only does it act on the central nervous system, but it also regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorous which are necessary for the strength and growth of bones. In addition, it does have an effect on different genes in our body that influence health and many diseases. Research continues to emerge linking vitamin D deficiency to different kinds of cancer (including breast and colon), cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other inflammatory disorders. As far as the eye goes, vitamin D deficiency appears to be associated with both an increased risk of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, two of the leading causes of permanent vision loss in the US.

It is clear that vitamin D is important and the research emerging continues to support that notion. So now that you have heard some of the science you are probably thinking, "What do I really need to know about Vitamin D and how can I tell if I am deficient?"

Here ya go...
* Our bodies synthesize (or make) vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the sunlight--specifically UVB radiation. In fact about 90% of our blood concentrations of active vitamin D are derived from sun exposure. If you work inside and do not spend time in the sun, have darker pigmented skin, or perhaps live in an environment with less sun exposure, chances are your body is not producing enough vitamin D.

* Foods rich in vitamin D include cold water fish, soy beans, eggs and fortified milk

* Vitamin D3 is the most potent and active form of vitamin D. These supplements are readily available over the counter and are not very expensive.

* Many scientists now recommend a minimum of 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for adults, with even higher dosages for people of color, those living in the Northern US, people who spend most daylight hours indoors, the elderly, and those proven deficiency by laboratory testing.

The suggested daily amount of vitamin D is still under debate. It is pretty safe to say that you are probably NOT getting enough vitamin D and you should talk to your doctor about having a simple test to check your vitamin D levels. This test is called the 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, also called a 25(OH)D. I encourage you to talk to your primary care physician about vitamin D and find out your levels!

There is a lot more that can be said about the daily value of vitamin D, but I didn't want to overwhelm you! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Keeping and Eye on You,

Betsy W. Fraser, O.D.

Sources: Ocular Nutrition Society. Chous, Paul: "Vitamin D and Mental Health." August 2010 Newsletter